Discovering Yourself - Who Are You?


Look who came back from her leave of absence. No more excuses, I’ll just get to it because now it’s time to find out who you are and what makes you, you!

To truly love yourself and know your worth, you have to first know yourself. Discovering and exploring yourself is truly an enlightening process that we should all take part of. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need someone else to tell you who you are because no one knows you better than you.

The first thing that needs to happen for you to discover yourself is getting away from your daily routine. There is something about the things you do constantly that stops you from seeing the “difference” in the actions you take. So you need to break away from your routine life, do something unusual to trigger that knowledge you need.

Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity while he absorbed himself in his own the world. He was in complete solitude. It is said that he was standing by a train track watching the train traveling past him. Many of us don’t know how to actually be by ourselves and enjoy solitude. We must sha be going somewhere, or visiting someone.It was at that point he realized that to him the train was moving, but to the people on the train, he was the one that seemed to move.
Sometimes people are scared to ask themselves some questions majorly because they are running away from the truth. One thing about asking the right question is that your mind will actually begin to search for the right answer. Let me share this example, the whole asoebi craze in Nigeria has now become a steady and normal thing. When my friends send me their asoebi price, I ask myself Rere does buying this asoebi really certify that you love this person. Because honestly, my buying or not buying does not say that I love you less or more. And truth be told whether I stretch my budget to buy or not the wedding will still happen. Then I told myself a simple truth, “I don’t need the asoebi to feel among, I can still look good anyway.”
After changing your routine and asking yourself certain questions, you have to realize who you are by looking past who you want to be. Many of us only live our lives for other people, either because that’s what they will approve of or because that’s what every other person is doing.
When we should analyze where we are in life, what we have done right and what can be done better. Never forget that the more you stay true to yourself, the easier your life will be. As I sign out let me leave you with the knowledge that, without God this whole plan might seem impossible – if anyone should know you, it’d be Him.
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao Tzu.
Leave me your thoughts on how you want to discover yourself…

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