
So far so good, it has been an amazing ride with you guys and today I am very happy because my week has been splendid. How are you? Hopefully you are feeling just as amazing as I am. Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim friends and I am sure we all enjoyed the short holiday.

A wise man once said NO pain, NO gain. We all want the amazing things and pleasures life has to offer yet we are not ready or willing to work for it. Many people would rather chill and wait for things to be handed to them on a platter. How many can boldly say I am ready for whatever challenges that may come my way. I will compare it to wanting the beauty of the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. You sit around moping, wondering why your situation is different, day-dreaming about the beautiful life you should be living. Yes, you deserve the best but only if you stop self-pity, self-comparison, low self-esteem and unhealthy criticism of yourself. Instead sit up, brace yourself and face the world.

You don't die if you fall in water, you die only if you don't swim; success is a sweet word that rolls off our tongue several times a day but we always forget that the best things don’t come easy. To enjoy the benefits of success and wealth you need to be brave and take risks, because the problem is irrelevant - it is how you respond to the problem that matters. Someone I met this week told me that it is so common to see unsuccessful men with talent. He added that even education is not enough to succeed because the world is full of educated people roaming the streets jobless and homeless. Only Persistence and determination together are omnipotent!

This made me realize that there is nothing special about having a brilliant idea if I cannot find a way to make this brilliant idea a tangible reality that will affect those around me. We cannot all be facing the same struggles, yet there is nothing new or different about what you are facing. Somebody somewhere has been through it too (you're not the first, you won't be the last). Success at anything will always come down to: Focus & Productivity; and you control both. It isn’t always about greatness, it is majorly about consistency.

The world you desire can be won; it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours! Right now, the picture might not be so clear; things might be looking tight or even impossible. Just make up your mind and be ready to win. The can-do spirit is all you need, because trust me there is no joy when your success is handed to you on a platter. Sure, Freebies are nice, but you need to also know that whatever is acquired free will not last very long.

So, start saying YES and stop with the condemning NO. Your best stories will come from your struggles; the seeds of your success are in your failures; your praises will be birthed from your pains; keep going!

Life is a climb, but the view is great! 

Put on your cape and fly!!

In the spirit of pursuing our dreams, I will be starting a YouTube Channel soon… I’m pretty nervous and excited at the same time (I wonder how a bold person can be shy, Lol). I would so love your opinions, ideas, thoughts and views on this. And please get ready to subscribe. Thank you! 

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  1. Yet another lovely write up...and now I'm starting to see your personality come through your writings.My catchphrase & theme for the week "only persistence & determination together are omnipotent".Thank you Rere

  2. ��������
    Wonderful article. Very encouraging we will have that world.



